many celebrate knowing that the sorrows of 2009 are behind them. Although many have gone through during the last year, we rejoice at a chance to start over and get things right. The best is yet to come!!! Get Excited about the opportunities that will arise in 2010. We are still here breathing and living, and we should promise ourselves that we will live life to the fullest in this year. Alot of us want our surroundings to change, but we must first realize that change comes from within, and starts with our thinking. Change starts within, flows out, and manifest itself around us. We must change what kind of people we are, then we can change the who that we become. Not a new identity but a new outlook on life. This new year we should listen more, talk less, love beyond and heal up. I say heal up because alot of people are dealing with so much and haven't had an opportunity to heal. We cannot do all that 2010 has for us to do if we are not healthy. Heal from the past and prepare for the NOW. 2010 is no longer the future it is the Now. We have to heal in order to Heal. We can't help others heal if we ourselves are not. This year lets do both. Get emotionally and physically healthy then take that strength and pass it on.
"Take what your good at and do it to the best of your ability, and the help will come"
-a wise person
That spoke to me, it let me know that I am only responsible for my half. Work your gift and let the rest do its part. Sometimes we worry so much about what we can't control. Do your best at controlling what u can, the rest is not yours to control.
“For last year's words belong to last year's language and next year's words await another voice.”
-Little Gidding II
Just think next year this time we won't want the year to end because it will have ushered in so much into our lives.