Happy New Year 2010!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The New Year has finally come,
 many celebrate knowing that the sorrows of 2009 are behind them.  Although many have gone through during the last year, we rejoice at a chance to start over and get things right.  The best is yet to come!!! Get Excited about the opportunities that will arise in 2010.  We are still here breathing and living, and we should promise ourselves that we will live life to the fullest in this year.  Alot of us want our surroundings to change, but we must first realize that change comes from within, and starts with our thinking. Change starts within, flows out, and manifest itself around us.  We must change what kind of people we are, then we can change the who that we become.  Not a new identity but a new outlook on life.  This new year we should listen more, talk less, love beyond and heal up.  I say heal up because alot of people are dealing with so much and haven't had an opportunity to heal.  We cannot do all that 2010 has for us to do if we are not healthy. Heal from the past and prepare for the NOW. 2010 is no longer the future it is the Now. We have to heal in order to Heal. We can't help others heal if we ourselves are not.  This year lets do both.  Get emotionally and physically healthy then take that strength and pass it on.

I heard a quote the other day that said :
"Take what your good at and do it to the best of your ability, and the help will come"
-a wise person

That spoke to me, it let me know that I am only responsible for my half. Work your gift and let the rest do its part. Sometimes we worry so much about what we can't control. Do your best at controlling what u can, the rest is not yours to control.

“For last year's words belong to last year's language and next year's words await another voice.”
-Little Gidding II

Just think next year this time we won't want the year to end because it will have ushered in so much into our lives.

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Inspired by the New Year

Do you have a New Year's Resolution???
Every year people make them, some keep them many don't, yet people continue to make them.
I no longer call them resolutions because its almost like your setting yourself up for failure. There for I call them NEW YEAR'S Goals. Goals are things I will do to get me in a better position. It's not one thing but many. Plans you might even call it. So my question to you are what is yours? Your New Year's Resolution, Goals, or plans.
Leave a comment and tell us what yours are.
I plan on getting myself in a position to buy a house, increase my finances and create more family memories.

What's Yours?????
Dont Forget to Become a follower

New Years Day/New Year's Eve Traditions

Do you have any New Years Eve or NewYears Day Traditions?

One tradition that my mother started is to make Gumbo every New Year's Day. Now that I'm an adult, I appreciate those tradition. If you and your family have New Years Day/Eve traditions, please feel free to share them.

How was your Christmas??

My Christmas was wonderful.  The boys enjoyed themselves, especially my 2yr old.  I hope everyones Christmas was as wonderful as ours, and We can look forward to the good things the new year will bring.  2010 is going to be such an awesome year. A year full of fulfilled dreams and big expectations. 

The Many Uses of Olive Oil

Olive oil is for more than just cooking!!!!
I ran across and interesting article that I would like to share.
 It talks about the different uses of olive oil. I was recently looking for ways that I can remove scars from pimples and I ran across many sites that talked about the different uses of olive oil. I was suprised and the many different ways it can be used. Next time I am at the store I will make sure to get two bottles. One for cooking and the other for things like: skin moisturizer, face cleaser, hair conditioner, stop hinges on the door from squeeking, shaving cream, chapped lips etc.
 Check out some uses here:

This site also explains the different grades of olive oil and how they are made.  I always wanted to know the difference between extra virgin olive oil(evoo) and regular olive oil.

Inspired by Christmas

Christmas is about 12 days away.  Some of us are in the spirit and some of us are not in the spirit.  Which is why I chose to ask you all.  What makes you get into the spirit of christmas?  Is it the lights and decorations, the generosity of others, Santas at the local mall, or the eagerness of children making their christmas list.  This year people may find it harder to get in the spirit when its been such a hard year.  That is why its even more important that we experience the wonderful feelings that the holidays bring.  This time of the year spirits are lifted and lives are touched.  What causes this feeling to overcome people this time of year?  People think of others more during christmas time than they do any other time of the year.  "The Christmas Spirit"  do you have it? When did you get it, or if not, What will it take for you to join in. 
My husband says its the snow that ushers him into the feeling of christmas.  If it doesn't snow it doesn't feel much like christmas to him.  To me its the anxiousness of my boys, and the many opportunities to be a blessing.  What is it for you?  What gives you the christmas spirit??
Leave a comment and let me know.
I would also like to know what your favorite part of christmas is?  Mine would be the smiles on children and adults, suprises (which I love) and the closeness of the family. Share your thoughts!

Inspired to Know Myself

We often come to a point in our lives where we want to know what our purpose is and what were we meant to do in life. You see people who find that niche that works for them, and those who have found things that they really soar at. Some examples are professional athletes, really good actors, singers, etc. Even those who are good at numbers, or lawyers and doctors who are the best in their field; but what is your area? What are you good at? What area are you gifted to soar in, and how do you find it?
Well, finding this particular thing out about yourself can be a process, and for some it can take many years of trying all kinds of things and not being able to find what is the right fit for you.,

Here are some questions that came help you along the way. Before you can figure out what you are suppose to do, and what you are good at, you must find out who you are and what your like:

1. What is UNIQUE about me?

2. What makes Me, Me?

3. What Moves Me?

4. What causes me to get CREATIVE?

5. What is the BEST thing about me?

YOU MUST KNOW WHO YOU ARE TO KNOW WHERE YOUR GOING. Often times we don't know much about ourselves, we don't even know our own makeup. Our love ones know more about us than we know about ourselves. Get connected to yourself and learn what it is you really want out of life.

Christmas Giveaways

Christmas Season is a Great time for Giveaways.  Here are some sites who are offering Christmas giveaways
Click on the link below to sign up for some cool Christmas Giveaways at Chrstian PF:
Win Two IPods and more.
http://www.mommyniri.com/ is also hosting a giveaway that ends soon, so get on over there and sign up quickly before it ends!  If you like the new disney movie the Princess and the Frog. Be sure to sign up for the Deluxe Tiana doll wardrobe and playset.  There are also a number of other things given away.

Need something to cook this week? Plan out your menu w/Charris

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