Facebook Photo Shoot

So here is the deal... Have you ever went to a family function or out with friends or family and everybody starts snapping pictures? Whether it is a family reunion, birthday party, graduation or just a night out, everything seems to be documents these day thanks to camera phones.
However with the new age of social media everything is placed online.  All the pictures that you or someone else may snap have the possibility of ending up online, whether you are aware of it or not. 
How do you feel about your friends or family taking pictures of you and putting them on their very public facebook page? Better yet a stranger snapping a picture of you at a function that ends up on facebook?
Some people don't have a problem with this at all. Me on the other hand, I at least would like to know about and I want to see the picture before the world does. Thanks to my family and friends there maybe a number of pictures of me online that I don't even know about, mainly because I don't have a facebook page. I know shocking right!! But its true My husband and I may be the only ones left in the U.S and maybe even the world who don't own a facebook page.  Therefor I can't even see the pictures people share of me and my family. What is your take on this issue?? Or are you the one who has everyone's picture on your facebook page? Could it be you or is it someone you know?

Also If you don't have a facebook page leave me a shot out, if that person even exists.
I'll be happy to know I'm not alone.

 If you feel I'm missing out on the facebook frenzy let me know what is so great that I'm missing. Leave a comment and enlighten me.

I have a confession

OK, I have a confession to make...
I want to be an extreme coupon-er!!!!
I want to save hundreds of dollars and have pantries full of food, but only spend a couple of dollars.
I just don't really know how to do it

Casey Anthony Trial!?!

Everybody seems to have an opinion about this trial, the family and everything associated with it!  What is your opinion on this tial? Do you agree with the verdict or dont you? What do you feel will happen next with her and do you feel like she will go on to book and movie deals.  Or are you fed up with everything about this trial and will be ok if you never here another word about Casey Anthony?
I would like your opinion and want to know what you think.
There are people very passionate about the verdict and the case.
I think everyone can agree that everything about this case is weird and out of the ordinary starting with a child missing for 2 months without a report.
Also how do you feel about "Caylee's Law" trying to be but in action.

Leave a comment,
Let me know how you feel!
Please dont leave any comment with foul language.

Inspire with Charris

I have taken a long blog break. I will make more of an effort to continue to blog. Things have just been so busy around here. I will be back at it soon.

Need something to cook this week? Plan out your menu w/Charris

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