I have always been the type of girl to carry around a journal. I love to write, whether its about my day or just things I learn and pick up on from day to day. I have always carried them around and owned tons of them since I was a child. A pretty girly journal with a beautiful pen, would just make my day. It must have have tons of paper because I am annoyed with ones that don't. I always say one day I'm gonna make my own line of journals. (hopefully all you guys will be customers :). I have a huge journal that I have used for the past five years that is like a window into my life. I always wrote down important things and things that were of value that I wanted to remember. It's pretty much full now but I constantly look through it to remind me of things I may have forgotten. It holds all my goals and accomplishments throughout the past five years. Whenever I went through difficult times, it held my thoughts and prayers. I even wrote out prayers. Somedays I sit back and flip through the pages and read stories that remind me of that time in my life. I am left with many emotions based on the story. Often times I am left with a feeling of having been Blessed and how some of things I worried about then are no longer an issue. Amazingly my journal also teaches me things and reminds me of lessons learned but forgotten. I write to express myself and my journal is always a place to store these expressions. I am a just journal girl. As I said before my favorite journal is now full so my husband decided to get me a new one for Valentines Day, but he knows my journal standards are high so I'm gonna pick my own. I haven't found one yet. You may offer any suggestions you have. I often am inspired to write blog entries after reading my journal because it holds so many inspirational things. I flip through it like a book, its like reading through chapters of the past 5 years of my life. It brings a smile to my face to see the goals I have accomplished and set out to do the things I always said I wanted to do. To many of you, your blog is your journal. To me, my blog is a reflection of my journal. I am even going to get a blog journal (as if I need an excuse for a new one) That way I can write out many things to inculde in my blog. Journals make the perfect girt. Those of you who love to write try getting a journal and make sure its super cute! with a pen of course. I love to write more than I type so for those of you who are the same, give it a try.Journal your life!
If you Journal, tell me how your journal inspires you
thanks to those of you who participated in my Valentines Day poll
Its so funny that you talk about journal. I found my journal from like 9th grade when I was completely "so in love" with two guys! It cracked me up! I used to pray to god every day that I would marry any one of them! hah, I guess I do thank god for unanswered prayers! i love my hubby more than anything- and he's nothing like those two ever were! :)
lol wow the things and people we thought were so great in 9th grade lol. Two guys, thats funny
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