It's like craigslist, meets ebay, meets freecycle. You are actually given credits when you sign up to bid on auctions to win stuff. They have all kinds of stuff available for auction from people all around the U.S. and Canda, maybe even other countries(not sure). The shipping in most cases is free unless otherwise stated. I have been able to get so much free things for my baby to be for nothing but free credits that I earned. It didn't cost me a dime.
Everything from baby stuff, clothes, electronics, purses, shoes, you name it.
I am however addicted to the baby stuff since I am expecting, all the baby stuff is so cute and most of things are still new with tags.
You also can auction off things you have in your home that you may need to get rid off. When you auction things off, you earn even more credits to bid on more free stuff. It's a win win
So if you love free stuff or you love to bid on good stuff, this is the place for you
Below is a link where you can become a member and started getting free stuff. Check it out
don't forget to fan me :charris920
Click on the link and start bidding
more free stuff on Listia
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